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![]() Try out the four paths of Fomoria! The weather has affected these groups, use it to find them! You can start all 4 paths at the same time. Winter is magic, Summer is warrior, Autumn is thief, and Nocturna is tamer (summoner too!). Lots of bosses! Dear god help me. Duration: 1st March to 31st March 2023 Followers ○ T7 - Carnunnos ○ T7 - Glashtyn ○ T10 - Arisen Carnunnos ○ T10 - Arisen Glashtyn Monsters ○ T7 - Carnunnos ○ T8 - Buggane ○ T10 - Glashtyn Bosses (god please help me)
Introduction![]() Before going too far down this abyss, we strongly recommend you reading our starter guide (here) if you’re a fresh Realm. For the purposes of this guide, we are going to assume you satisfy the following conditions:
To make this easy to understand, we’ll be covering all the different pieces of Endless chronologically rather than by topic. The reason for this is because Endless, unlike other content, requires quite a few different moving pieces in order for you to maximize gains. Don’t worry if you can’t make the stars align for every run, think of this as the ideal blueprint. With that, let’s get into it. Contents![]() Introduction to Alting
1. IntroductionNorthern Forge released Towers of Olympia in February 2023 as a massive piece of "longform solo end game content" available to players of T9 and above in both Orna and Hero of Aethric. Find and climb Towers out in the world to defeat increasingly stronger enemies on each floor, ending with a Titan Superboss at the top! Collect a new currency called Tower Shards along the way by defeating enemies, to customise your character with celestial weapons, augmentations dropped from Titans, and there's even 22 new celestial classes available to unlock with new skills and passive abilities. This is arguably the biggest content drop in the game's history to date! In this guide we're going to cover everything there is to know from finding towers, how to acquire olympia tower keys for entry, the different types of towers and their final titan superbosses, mechanics behind wild tower spawning in Orna, how the total floors grow over time allowing for greater hauls of tower shards, weekly reset, then we'll delve in to the Titan Workshop and explain exactly how to spend your hard-earned tower shards to construct and upgrade your own towers, craft and augment celestial weapons, and finally unlock the new celestial classes!
Hero of Aethric FAQBy: Zeir, Trystan, Meny and Tempo on the official Hero of Aethric discord server. GeneralIs there a promo code?
“ORNSORNSORNS” It provides you a free handful of orns which is the currency you use to swap up to the next tier of classes. Factions? There are four factions; Earthen Legion, Stormforce, Knights of Inferno, and Frozenguard. You may pick a faction once you reach level 10. If the decision is postponed, the player must restart the game for the decision page to be displayed again. You will receive a 25% boost to damage done and take 20% less damage from your faction’s element. You may only join kingdoms that share your faction. Factions can be changed by quitting your kingdom and purchasing the option from the store for $1. Which Faction should I pick??? There are four factions; Earthen Legion, Stormforce, Knights of Inferno, and Frozenguard. You may pick a faction once you reach level 10. If the decision is postponed, the player must restart the game for the decision page to be displayed again. You will receive a 25% boost to damage done and take 20% less damage from your faction’s element. You may only join kingdoms that share your faction. The first thing you should know about trading in Hero of Aethric is that there is no direct trading with a particular player or auction house system that uses a base currency like gold or orns. i.e. you can't sit in Loton Grand Exchange offering a million orns for an Ornate Mimic King Head.
Trading unlocks at Tier 4, that is character lvl 75, and that gives you the ability to build a Trading Post in your Origin Town. It costs 500k gold, 15 wood, 15 stone, 5 runestone You can upgrade it with gold to increase the amount of trading slots. "allows you to put up items for occasional trade" - basically there's an imaginery merchant trading caravan going around every player's origin town, picking up items from one player and dropping them off in place of another player's item... ![]() How to get gauntlet keys as a new character in Aethric? There are a number of dungeons located around the world of Aethric that require at least 1 Gauntlet Key to enter. Some options like Boss Mode or Hard Mode require more keys, and higher tier dungeons also require more than 1 key. The tier 10 Valley of the Gods dungeon requires 20 keys to enter it normally solo! In the Aethric main story questline at tier 3 Seeker Mara asks you to complete a gauntlet (gauntlet = dungeon in terminology). Dungeons are essentially a series of monster or boss fights back to back for a set number of floors, depending on your tier. Each mob starts fresh at 100% HP on each floor, whereas your HP and mana levels do not get refreshed, you'll need to consider bringing a few large health potions here! It's common to fail your first few dungeons in the beginning, as players normally don't have decent gear to withstand the constant barrage of damage from a series of monsters, so farming more gauntlet keys is always worth it! ![]() "How to find stone in Hero of Aethric?" is one of the most commonly asked questions from new players entering the world of Aethric for the first time, and its valid because we need the stone to construct buildings in the Origin Town to continue the main questline. However it's no secret that there's a distinct lack of stone material around Aethric in the early game, especially compared to aa material like wood which is much more abundant as there's plenty of items and gear that can be dismantled into wood that's dropped from plenty of monsters in the first few areas of the game. Here are the three main ways to get more stone in Aethric in the early game: Intro to Aethric's Class SytemHero of Aethric offers many classes to unlock and play as you level up through the game, which can be freely switched between once unlocked. Additionally, there are specialisations that act like sub-classes, allowing you to mix and match class and specialisation to tailor your own unique playstyle. Whether you want to be duel-wielding staff mage, a warrior with hundreds of thousands of extra hitpoints in the form of ward, or a thief that sacrifices defense for ungodly high attack, the simple yet deep class and specialisation system in Aethric has you covered. The classic warrior, mage, and rogue archetypes become more nuanced as you progress through the game, and before long you can even build your character around pets or summoned beasts that can deal devastating damage. The options are endless and allow you to customise your playstyle to your heart's desire.
IntroductionWelcome to the guide on the Unfelled questline! The main Hero of Aethric story questline is the same as Orna, however this guide has adjusted the strategies to cater specifically for Aethric. Finding lower tier monsters and bosses can be a pain, so here’s a neat little guide to help! Most quests will be split into two sections - new and experienced. If you’re a new player, look at the new section. If you’re returning or have ignored the story quest until later, and are something like Tier 9 or Tier 10, look at the experienced section for more options to complete each quest. Use the outline of this document to jump between quests quickly.
Also note, all of these will be spoilers for the questline. Read these line-by-line if you’d like to avoid being spoiled, or, I dunno, don’t read this. Note from Shabbash: Huge thank you to Konq for writing up this legendary questing guide and also for permission to upload to this site. I have also adjusted this for Aethric where possible. Video walkthroughs for each tier in Aethric at the bottom of this guide. A nice new tip for Aethric - if you're wondering where to receive the next quest from check your world map, NPCs with a quest for you will show up! IntroductionLet me start by saying you first acquire your first class in this class line from a NPC quest from the NPC Horus. Finish the quest by acquiring a common quality Attuner Hood, Robe, and Shoes. Upon completion of the quest you gain access to the T7 Attuner class. Next to get for 6 mil orns is Grand Attuner at lvl 175 and then unlocking your Summoner class at lvl 200 for a hefty 11 mil orns. Grand Summoner is unlocked at lvl 225 and can be purchased for a heftier still 16 mil orns. This guide mainly focuses on Summoner/Chronomancer build but some of this also applies to Grand Attuner/Time Mage build as well.
Main Strengths- high burst damage from summons Lacuna/Lacuna 2//Lacunas/Lacunas 2- stasis status affliction. Targets one enemy//Targets all enemies in battle. "Stasis Loop" (to be explained) World farming, raid farming Soloing raid bosses PvP beast 60% of the time every time. Main Weaknesses- low character stats- very low hp, low defences, survivability is a gamble, very gear and spell dependent. *Includes example videos at the bottom of the written guide!* The Alfar are back, and with a new do! The December Items patch has given a lot of these December items a new coat of paint to make them more competitive with other items! Take a look at them in the patch notes!
The Alfar mobs can be found mostly in the Goblin Fortress themed dungeon. Followers ○ T4 - Alfar ○ T5 - Scruug ○ T7 - Alfar Mage ○ T9 - Ebon Scruug Welcome to the Sisters of Morrigan event! The three Morrigna have returned to Orna, as well as Arisen Morrigan. This is one of the most farmed events, due to Arisen Morrigan being available as a Kingdom Raid, as well as increased rates for her in Summoning Scroll spawns. All of her drops are direct upgrades from the Morrigan raid available year-round. (Roughly a 10% increase to all stats!)
In the race to the skies, many climbed to the heavens, but many fell back down - their remains have littered the world with celestial powers, and you're able to find them.
🗿 Monsters (NEW!) 🗿 The following mobs are only available after starting the first quest. Drops: Stardrop T6 - Fallen Starseeker T7 - Fallen Zwei-Caster T7 - Fallen Zwei-Fencer The following mobs are only available after starting the second quest. Drops: Moondrop T8 - Fallen Moonchaser T10 - Fallen Crescent-Fencer Introduction![]() Welcome to tier 10 and welcome to Realmshifter! Realmshifter is a class that specializes in speed. Fast dungeons, fast PvP, and (after setting up) fast raids. This guide will take you through everything you need to get started as Realmshifter; general gameplay, essential skills, pets, starter gear, and the spec that’ll be your best friend until at least level 235. By the end of this guide you’ll be confidently completing dungeons, smashing through PvP, and taking on The Morrigan. Passive abilities breakdownResurgence states that “You will become more powerful as your HP decreases in battle.” This means starting at 50% HP, all your stats (attack, defenses, dex for dodging, etc.) will start increasing for a maximum of a 2X gain when your health reaches 1%. When you see the term “redline” mentioned, they are talking about this effect where a Realm is strongest at that last sliver of HP. With resurgence maximizing stats at 1HP, this means ward is a Realm’s new effective health. To repeat, HP keeps you alive up until Tier 9, whereas ward keeps you alive starting at T10 as a Realm.
High Tenacity says “damage taken from some self-inflicted status effects will not fully deplete your HP.” Practically, this means berserk (triggered by skill, pet like chimera, or via consumables like mushroom) cannot kill you when you are at 1HP. As berserk is a main source of damage buffs (and defense too in the case of berserk 2 and berserk 3), high tenacity works seamlessly with resurgence above like peanut butter and jelly: you can stay at 1HP without killing yourself from your own damage boosting buffs. This does not cover other damage over time afflictions such as bleed, toxic, curse, burn, etc. and those will still pierce the ward and kill you easily at 1 HP. Mystic Feather says “your chance to dodge attacks increases as damage is taken.” This means your dodge rate is the highest it can be when you’re sitting at 1HP and is a key part of a Realm’s defenses in raids. Build Intro![]() This build was born out of a desire to get away from the tedium of heretic endless runs and a realization that dragon align synergizes well with the Questing weapons, as well as the other benefits Dragon Align provides, namely elimination of Nidhogg as a threat. Inspiration was taken from Shabbash’s previous swash endless video. Buffing PhaseBuffing is done as Beo/Raider and it is quick. It can be done while at a wayvessel as well but it will take longer as you will have to regen mana with Guts for Ward of Balor/Annwn casts. We only need the basic four elemental resists as Realmshifter has natural Light/Dark immunity. With Outpost access resistances are gotten through Fey Yeti first and Zerk 1 from Chimera. If Chimera follower is not possible, you can get Zerk 1 through the Zerker spec or Chimera Raid weapons.
The Idea![]() In the later swiss rounds of the last pvp tournament, Z6 skunked me 2-0 with a realmshifter build that got me thinking. The big takeaways I had from that set were that: - Ashen Phoenix might be the best all around pet for melee pvp when you get its action rate high enough to have reliable access to Deific Channel. Deific Channel>other pets basically. - Raider synergizes in every way that makes Ashen good. In my first swiss set with Z6, he zeroed out most of my Ultimas and crushed me with 1HKO crits. It wasn’t close at any point. After that loss I knew I wanted to make my own version of the build, but as a deity instead of realmshifter (which is of course a good thing). This build would become my go to for live pvp and is an overall powerhouse. ![]() Followers: ○ T6 - Scary Skeleton ○ T7 - Spooky Ghost ○ T9 - Very Scary Skeleton Bosses: ○ T4 - Spooky Ghost ○ T8 - Terrifying Ghost Monsters: ○ T1 - Frightening Skeleton ○ T4 - Scary Skeleton ○ T8 - Very Scary Skeleton ○ T8 - Onryo (NEW!) Items: ○ Ectoplasm: Physical resistance but has negative stats and a high chance that you'll fall asleep This is exactly what the first ever event post was ~1 year ago (I added Onryo, which is new to this year). I would like to thank so many people for the support I've gotten on these over the past year. I read all the thanks, whether I respond to them or not. I post these in 5 servers, with many I'm sure of pasting these across the various Orna communities, but originally my first event post landed itself in the good ol' general channel of Orna Main. I've come so far - no, we've come so far from that start. Doing these led me to do more projects in the Orna space, like the questline guide, the visuals, and loads of other things. I owe you guys all the credit for making this as big and as useful as it is in present day, and I will never stop loving this community. Here's to another year, two, or more. 🎂 Sincerely, Konq, your Unfelled Balor Mage Build Intro![]() The Battlemage is the most popular Tier 6 class for mages in Orna. Introducing elemental multi-hit spells and higher mage stats after Druid in Tier 5, the Battlemage can be played successfully with a few different specialisations. This guide looks at the duel-wielding Duelist spec, specialising in fast hard hitting nukes perfect for PvP on both offense and defense. It also excels in solo dungeons but lacks the additional damage available to Berserker spec for longer term raiding. If you want to get a taste of real turn 1 PvP power at tier 6 and become a war hero for your kingdom, this could be the build for you! Includes detailed video guide below! Build Intro![]() Hello and welcome, it’s your friendly neighbourhood amphibian. After the recent rework of Spiked Shield you no longer need an extremely min-maxed, high-end build with tons of ward to have a decent damage with the SS skill family. In this guide I’ll try to focus on the performance of SS1 in 3 different scenarios: 1. Entry-level Gilgamesh (around 100-120k ward) 2. Mid-game Gilgamesh (around 120-180k ward) 3. Endgame Gilgamesh (above 180k ward) Keep in mind, this build is not built around pumping extremely huge numbers, it performs well in all raids, has really high survivability and not a lot of key pressing. The rotation is pretty much based on 1 skill and 1 temp buff. |
AuthorShabbash has been playing Orna since the summer of 2019, reaching max level 250 a year later, and has a vast plethora of experience within the game. After completing and surviving the grind, Shabbash now turns his attention to creating the best guide resources for players to improve their enjoyment of what Orna has to offer. Categories
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