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Amities - An Introduction - What Are Amities?
Quick note if you're looking for the full list of Amities please scroll to the bottom of this page or click here.
Leading you in this new adventure is the new NPC named Pythia, an Oracle of Elysium, here to help the Lost Souls and Memories come to rest. Pythia informs us that the lands around us are dense with memories of fallen and lost peoples, and that hunting down these memories allows us to restore balance in the land by containing it in artefacts, called “Amities”. She then gives us a consumable item called a Diluted Mnemonic (DM), which can bring an area’s memories to the surface, allowing us the player to hunt these memories down and completing the hunt restores the spiritual balance of the area - which in turn rewards us with an Amity. These Amities can be equipped in a new equipment slot in each loadout, and can have varying interesting effects on your abilities in combat, in short opening up a huge new range of build possibilities for us! Getting Started - How to find your first Amity
To start hunting our first Amity we must first speak to Pythia, who will pop up as an NPC beside us once we reach Tier 4 (lvl 75), and after we have completed Galar’s side quest to level up five items in a blacksmith. If you are on an old character created before the new 3.1 questline, you will need to begin the new Unfelled quest line in your main Quests Menu. If she hasn’t shown up yet when you think she should, a few game reboots should solve this, make sure you also have the NPC map filter on!
Speaking to Pythia starts a new side quest and she also gives us our first Diluted Mnemonic , the consumable item which starts these memory hunts. It also unlocks a new building for us to construct: the Oracle Temple. This will be our main source of Diluted Mnemonics going forward. It costs 5 Mil gold + some wood/stone to build, and can be levelled up to 10 (do this immediately and read on to find out why). At the time of writing you can only build 1 Oracle Temple but it is not restricted to your Origin Town. So head into your inventory and use the Diluted Mnemonic to start our first Memory Hunt!
Memory Hunts
Using the DM will begin a hunt for shattered memories in the area in which you used the DM. These shattered memories take the form of the grey/blue buildings shown above and appear on the Items map filter. Tapping on a shattered memory begins a mini-game which you need to complete in order to find the next shattered memory. These mini-games are different for each type of memory building, and shouldn't be too difficult for you to figure out. In total the memory hunt includes 5 shattered memories and in the 5th and final memory, which always looks like an Arcanist building, you are faced with a final question with 4 - 5 different answers available to you. Choosing an answer will complete the memory hunt and give you an Amity. We are still researching what is involved in determining the Amity you receive by the memories and answers given. Important notes on memory hunts!
Acquiring More Diluted Mnemonics
The Oracle Temple will be our main source of Diluted Mnemonics going forward. It costs 5 Mil gold + some wood/stone to build. You may only build one temple and it's an Origin Town building.
The first way of acquiring Diluted Mnemonics in the temple is every 23 hours we can Attempt Ritual called "Concurrence" - this gives us a chance at finding a Diluted Mnemonic. Unfortunately this isn't actually guaranteed until you level up your Oracle Temple to level 10, so make sure to do this ASAP. Once your Oracle Temple is level 10 you will receive a Diluted Mnemonic every time guaranteed! Northern Forge may add other methods of gaining DMs in the future ...It is rumoured that some fortunate Unfelled may on occasion find 2 Diluted Mnemonics when attempting their ritual... The second way of acquiring DMs in the Oracle Temple is by Recollection. This recycles your unwanted Amities back into DMs by destroying 3 of your unused Amities and giving you back 1 DM. Amities will need to be unlocked in your inventory for you to use them in Recollection. Citadel You may also be extremely lucky when cashing in your daily Citadel rewards by finding a Diluted Mnemonic in there from time to time. Look after your villagers and they'll look after you! Daily Login Rewards Keep an eye out on your daily login rewards because as of June 2022 (the first full month after 3.2 release), Diluted Mnemonics have been confirmed to show up in daily login reward calendars. Of course not every tier will receive these every month but it'll be a nice wee guaranteed bonus every now and then! Northern Forge Events There was a nice bonus prize for all the winners of the May 2022 fishing contest when Northern Forge announced they would be receiving some Diluted Mnemonics for all their are work getting their rods out! Keep an eye out for future events where there'll be a big chance to grab some Diluted Mnemonics as prizes! Strategy edit 18th Sept 2022 After some amazing research led by our very own Orna Legends mod Knight411, we now know exactly how Amities are seeded and the best way to find the ones we want! Amity Rarities
Amities have the potential to make your build much much stronger, and even open up new playstyles and builds that we thought were never possible. Northern Forge have even confirmed that new bonuses+maluses are coming soon, meaning even more possibilities!
We are still in the early phases of understanding exactly what bonuses and maluses are available, the range of their numerical values, and most importantly for most players - how to target a specific Amity! Now we know that the memory hunt and seed should determine what I call the base Amity affixes - the name of the Amity itself. For example the Amity found at the top of this guide is named Seas & Unearthing. "Seas" is the bonus, giving increased water resistance when equipped "Unearthing" is the malus, giving decreased earthen resistance when equipped Now every time you find an Amity it can roll in quality similar to other pieces of Orna gear, from Superior to Ornate. Higher quality Amities can have more affixes! Any additional bonuses+maluses are rolled randomly after the initial named affix. So you can potentially have 3 bonuses + maluses that suit your build! Superior and Famed Amities will have 1 bonus + 1 malus Legendary Amities will have 2 bonuses + 2 maluses Ornate Amities will have 3 bonuses + 3 maluses Some bonuses+maluses can only be found on Legendary or Ornate Amities, as they cannot spawn as the primary bonuos+malus. Check the tables at the bottom of this guide to see what potential bonuses and maluses we've discovered and documented so far! Good luck in your Memory Hunts! -Shabbash Amity Seedshat are amity seeds? Amity seeds are the randomly generated numbers that govern which amitiy you get when completing a hunt. Thanks to the help of folks who took part in the Amity Research, we have learnt what influences those seeds and how to get predictible results. What influences amity seeds? Part of the seed is each hour of the day. This hourly seed part changes every week, at the same time dungeons rotate (Monday, 00:00 UTC). This means that, for every day of the week, at one given hour, there will always be the same amity (e.g.: 1AM on Monday, 1AM on Friday will have the same amity). The remaining of the seed is determined by the party while memory hunting. This means that, to reliably get the same amity at the same hour, you need to be in the same party both times. Disbanding the party and recreating one, even with the same party leader, will create a new seed. The amity seed is thus the combination of: Hour of the day, week (as in between 2 dungeon rotations), and party. Note that, if in a party, IRL location does not influence which amity you get. What is seed lock and when does it happen? We call seed lock the time when the game looks at the seed to determine which amity you will get. The lock happens once you complete the 4th minigame (i.e.: when the final nodes appear that look like crystal blue Arcanist buildings). The party you are in when completing the 3 first minigames is irrelevant to determining the amity. This lock does not succeed into the following hour, so if you don't select a final question & answer the Amity will change once the hour passes. Aside from the seed, what influences the resulting amity? Which final node you select and what answer you give to its question also determine which amity you get. Sometimes, multiple final nodes will give you the same question. The 2 final nodes will have 2 different sets of amities. We call them duplicate nodes (dupes for short). Not all bonuses and maluses are available at all tiers, meaning that the tier also influences which amity you get. Finally, the quality of your amity can change it. Although the main bonus always remains the same, the maluses do change with quality. 2 amities of the same quality hunted with the same seed will always have the same bonus/malus set. Amity Hunter - Community Amity Hunting
What is Amity Hunter?
Amity Hunter is the name of an alt Shabbash created to host a party with the community, in which T10+ people can hunt amities. Amities are recorded and put together in a sheet. Amity Hunter's party is never disbanded, which means that one part of the seed is known, and the only remaining variables are hour of the day and week. This means we can now reliably hunt for a specific amity! In the first few weeks of community Amity hunting we've allowed hundreds of T10 and T11 players from all over the world to receive some amazing Amities! How does it work? Generous folks in the community use their Diluted Mnemonics and do memory hunts, record which questions they had, which answer they gave, and the amity they got. We compile that data in a spreadsheet, and anyone who wants an amity someone else found, they can join the party at the given time, finish their hunt there and answer the same question with the same answer. Note that you only need the seed lock to happen in the party. This means you can already complete 3 of the 5 memories prior to joining. This party is for T10/T11 only. Since you may have a different amity at tiers lower, please do not submit amities if you've not reached T10. How to join the party? Where is the link to the spreadsheet? The details are in a pinned message of the #amity-hunter channel on the Orna Legends Discord Server. You need to agree to the LFG rules before being allowed to access it. How to participate in researching the amities? All you need is to join the party, check the spreadsheet for empty cells, and hunt for that specific amity. Once you have, screenshot your amity, and send the details of your hunt (time, question, answer) in the weekly thread (which is pinned in #amity-hunter). Every T10/T11 is welcome to hunt for amities, and we really appreciate those who do. If you benefitted from an amity on the spreadsheet, please consider hunting amities to help research!
8/7/2022 03:12:40
How do I submit an Amity benefit and malus that you do not currently have on your list?
22/7/2022 07:55:16
Hi! We have a dedicated channel on OL discord server for Amity research, best place is to post there and we then update our database.
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AuthorShabbash has been playing Orna since the summer of 2019, reaching max level 250 a year later, and has a vast plethora of experience within the game. After completing and surviving the grind, Shabbash now turns his attention to creating the best guide resources for players to improve their enjoyment of what Orna has to offer. Categories
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