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IntroductionWelcome to the guide on the Unfelled questline! Released in late March 2022, this overrode the old questline (the Aftermath questline). If you played before this, you have to start the Unfelled questline at the very beginning. Finding lower tier monsters and bosses can be a pain, so here’s a neat little guide to help! Most quests will be split into two sections - new and experienced. If you’re a new player, look at the new section. If you’re returning, and something like Tier 9 or Tier 10, look at the experienced section. Use the outline of this document to jump between quests quickly. If you’d just like a quick list of all quests (SPOILERS!), look at this spreadsheet. Also note, all of these will be spoilers for the questline. Read these line-by-line if you’d like to avoid being spoiled, or, I dunno, don’t read this. Note from Shabbash: Huge thank you to Konq for writing up this legendary questing guide and also for permission to upload to this site. For those interested in recommending additions or changes to this document, please DM Konq#6970 on discord. Do keep in mind the priority of this document is to provide the quickest or easiest method of completing these quests, and providing the entire list of ways to complete the quests would make this document longer than I’d like it to be. Tier 1 QuestsQuest 1: Samson - Defeat Rat (5) New: This quest is fairly simple in early-game. In your constant battle with world monsters, make sure 5 of them are Rats. Experienced: As your mob pool is significantly larger, finding rats is a bit more difficult. To filter out some unwanted mobs, I suggest running Beast Dens, and a couple of them will net you your 5 rats. Don’t worry, the next couple quests are easier for us. Quest 2: Samson - Make Your Origin Town New: This one is self-explanatory. Samson should direct you to where you need to go to establish your Origin Town. This area gives you a stat bonus, and allows you to build specific buildings. This will also unlock the building menu. Experienced: You should already have your Origin Town established, so this quest is an autocomplete. Quest 3: Samson - Defeat Goblin Mage (5) and Goblin (5) New: Another relatively simple one. Slay 5 Goblin Mages and 5 Goblins. You might have killed enough monsters to reach Level 25 and go up to Tier 2, which will let you see Tier 2 monsters (2 stars), so you might have to kill more monsters that aren’t them before you get them. Experienced: Once again, we’re limited by the size of our mob pool. This time, you’ll wanna run Goblin Fortresses. Note their sprite change now makes them look more like a fortress. Again, you should only need a couple runs to secure the quest. Quest 4: Samson - Defeat a Goblin Lord New: Your first boss quest! Bosses are larger than monsters, and you might have spotted some around. The best way to find these is to go traveling in the world. Go for a short drive, walk around the neighborhood, and locate yourself the boss! Experienced: If you left your Goblin Fortress run the moment you finished your quest, you might have some floors left to encounter a Goblin Lord. Otherwise, another run should do the trick for you. Optionally, run a Tier 1 boss gauntlet. That’ll get you the boss, guaranteed. Quest 5: Samson - Become Stronger New: Congrats! You’ve finished all the tier 1 quests. To unlock the next tier’s quests, level up to Level 25. Experienced: Congrats! Hit the complete button, you’re just getting started. Tier 2 QuestsQuest 6: Asmund - Defeat Draconian (5) and Draconian Mage (5) New: Another fairly simple quest. Welcome to tier 2! You should’ve seen some new monsters by now. Go around and kill some of them for me, would you? Oh, if you find a Draconian Lord, it’s probably best to leave it be. You’ll need it for a later quest. Experienced: This quest has Draconians, which means it’s best to tackle a Dragon Roost. If you’re into the alt scene, doing a horde normal gauntlet with a Tier 3 will get a decent amount of Draconians as well. Quest 7: Asmund - Defeat Arena opponents (5) New: This one is fairly self explanatory. Go to the main menu, and hit the Arena button in the top row. There, in Sparring, defeat 5 players. You’ll need Arena Tokens to get in, but you should be able to get them in shops or from nearby bosses. Experienced: Just kill 5 arena opponents, the same as New players but with less fancy jargon. Quest 8: Asmund - Get a follower New: It’s time to get a follower! Find a nearby Bestiary and buy a follower. Any follower will do, and they cost just a handful of gold. Now you’ll have a friend! You can name it in a bestiary as well. Experienced: I’d hope you have a follower by now, this should just be an autocomplete. Quest 9: Asmund - Complete Codex entries (3) New: Time to learn about the Codex! The Codex is a log of all the enemies you’ve fought, and is accessed in the main menu, as the bottom left button. Your job is to complete 3 entries, and to do this, you’ll need to witness all the characteristics of the monster in battle in order to record it. This includes drops, moves, whether it’s weak to something, resistant to something, and so on. You can see what you’re missing by noting the little ??? on a given entry. A completed entry has a yellow name. Chances are you’ve gotten one or two by accident. Go and fill out 3 of them in total. Experienced: If you need words to detail what this quest does, see the New section. Quest 10: Asmund - Explore an area New: It’s time to explore a new area! Tap the button that looks like a map on the main screen. Here, you’ll see which players own what territory, and what monsters are the guardians of an area. Find a monster that you can kill and kill it! You might need to get closer to it in order to fight it. A good go-to is this: If you recognize the monster, then you can probably kill it. Experienced: The explore tab and the area tab is now overhauled into this observable map. Take this time to mess around with it and figure out how it works, and then explore a NEW area. Already explored areas will not register. Quest 11: Asmund - Defeat a Draconian Lord New: Another boss hunt! Same as before, look around your area for one. If you found one before, go back and kill it! Experienced: Similar to the Draconian quest, a Dragon Roost can work, but a Tier 2 or Tier 3 boss dungeon should almost definitely net you the Draconian Lord. Quest 12: Asmund - Become Stronger New: You’ve completed all the tier 2 quests! Time to level up to level 50. Also, you’ll need to unlock a Tier 2 class. In the Change Class tab, scroll to the right until you find a tier 2 class. Chances are, you’ll want to settle with the upgraded version of your class (Archmage, Rogue, Paladin, don’t pick Knight). Experienced: Hit continue, 2 down, 8 to go. Tier 3 Quests Quest 13: Myrkheim - Upgrade equipment (3) and Build a Blacksmith New: This quest requires that you build a blacksmith. To do this, click the Build button in the world screen (that’s to the left of the main menu button, hammer and axe), and navigate to the Buildings tab where you’ll find a Blacksmith. You’ll need some resources (50 wood, 10 stone, and 250,000 gold). You can get the wood from dismantling items (press and hold an item in your inventory, and hit dismantle - this destroys the item and gives you some materials) or finding wood and tree items on the ground, the stone from nearby shops or stones on the ground, and the gold you can get from winning battles in the arena. Once you have your blacksmith, upgrade 3 items inside of it - I suggest upgrading 3 Level 1 items at the same time, which will reduce the time you need to spend waiting. Experienced: Insert sarcastic description here telling you to upgrade 3 items. NOTE! Using whetstones and fine whetstones will not increase the count for items smelted. If you have the original sidequest from the beginning still, any upgrades will count for both quests. Quest 14: Seeker Mara - Kill Fallen (Archmage, Witch, Rogue, and Knight) New: This quest is seen as very difficult, due to the rarity of these monsters. You should be able to find the Archmage, Witch, and Knight with enough world farming, but Rogues only spawn in forests. You may need to travel around to find them, or do a gauntlet using a gauntlet key, and hope you find one. Experienced: Run tier 3 normal gauntlets until you’re out of nearby dungeons, and then run some more. This is the best way to get these monsters. Unless you want to world farm for them like a fool. If you’re only missing the Archmage, they show up in Mystic Caves. Quest 15: Seeker Mara - Complete a Gauntlet New: Gauntlets are essentially a marathon of monsters, one after another, with no healing in between. You can find them as buildings in the world, but you always have one personal one you can do at any time. In the main menu, right next to the Arena button on the top row, there’s a Gauntlet button. Run through one of these - though you’ll need a Gauntlet Key. You should’ve gotten two from the previous quests. Experienced: Tired of running gauntlets for the fallen monsters? Run one more for good measure. Quest 16: Seeker Mara - Become stronger New: Congratulations! That’s all there is for Tier 3 quests. Similar to the last quest of tier 2, you’ll need level 75, and a Tier 3 class Experienced: Press that continue button and get a move on, there’s Fomorians to kill. Tier 4 QuestsSidequest: Myrkheim - Smelt 5 Items New: This quest is a sidequest, so you can still progress with the rest of the questline without completing it. If you’ve built the blacksmith from the Tier 3 quest, then you can just smelt 5 more items in it. Similar to that quest, if you want this to be completed quickly, upgrade 5 Level 1 items. Experienced: You unlock this sidequest by being Tier 4 or higher, and you can just smelt 5 items in your own blacksmith. Pick 5 Level 1 items with easy to get materials so you don’t waste much, and you can crank this quest out in 1 hour. There is a main quest in Tier 3 that requires smelting 3 items, so I’d recommend saving this for then, and killing two Turuls with one stone. NOTE! Using whetstones and fine whetstones will not increase the count for items smelted. Quest 17: Samson - Build a Keep New: Time to build yourself something for yourself to stash some stuff away! Followers, gold, items, you name it. You’ll find this in the build tab, the same place you found the Blacksmith. When you place it down, check out all the features it has! As you upgrade it, it will get more features. Experienced: If you don’t have a Keep by now, I’d highly suggest building one. Doing the one-follower-only challenge is rough. Quest 18: Catha - Defeat Fomorians - Warrior (20), Rogue (20), Mage (10) New: You’ll find these all over the world, just like before! This might take a little bit more grinding, though. Take out any you see, since this quest can be in your quests tab for quite a while. Experienced: The first of many quests that benefits highly from running Underworld Portal themed dungeons. These will be your best option for getting Fomorians efficiently. Alternatively, Tier 4 and/or Tier 5 horde normal dungeons can provide a small boost, but they’re quite ineffective. Quest 19: Catha - Defeat a Fomorian Lord New: This boss is slightly different from the other bosses so far - you most likely haven’t seen this boss before this quest. You now can see Fomorian Lords in the world. Unfortunately, due to the way bosses in the world are generated, if you live in an area with already generated territory (if people own your territory already), Fomorian Lords will be hard to find. These can be found at the end of Tier 4 gauntlets, but rarely. Those will be your best bet, otherwise I’d suggest traveling in the world, killing every boss you see, and hopefully one will show up. You might also be interested in building a Wayvessel, so you can travel to an area with a Fomorian Lord that someone else has shared. Ask around in the community you’re in and someone might volunteer. Experienced: I suggest reading the New section of this, because a large majority of the information pertains to your situation too. However, you also have the last floor of Underworld Portals to generate Fomorian Lords. I believe the most efficient method of finding one is to simply run Tier 4 normal dungeons. NOTE: Quest bosses like these can only be found on the last floor of dungeons. As such, it’s not necessary to use extra keys to run a boss dungeon. Quest 20: Catha - Become stronger New: Congrats! Another tier down! Hit level 100 and purchase a tier 4 class. Experienced: Congrats! That’s one tough boss to track down. Keep it up! Tier 5 QuestsQuest 21: Ceres - Acquire Fogstone (5), Mirror (1), Undead Bone (3) New: Welcome to the new tier! Here, you’ll have a few quests that fetch various items. Fogstone is dropped by Lesser Sluaghs and Sluaghs (Tier 5 boss), and can be gotten by dismantling a Fog Blade (also dropped from Sluaghs). Undead Bone can be gotten from killing Undead Golems (Tier 4 boss) and Draugrs (Tier 3 boss, found in dungeons). Lastly, the Mirror can be gotten as a drop from the Arena. If you have auto-dismantle turned on, turn it off for Standard quality. Keep fighting in the arena until you get one, it might take a while. Experienced: Chances are you have the materials, you just need the mirror. Fortunately, 3.1 added lower tiers to the arena drop pool for higher tiers, which not only allows you to get this Mirror significantly easier, but it also allows you to farm Berserk Mushrooms at a higher rate. Just be sure to turn off your auto-dismantle for these. Quest 22: Ceres - Acquire Broken Statue (5), Green Crystal (2), Nightshade (3), Silver (1) New: Time for the next fetch quest! Broken Statues can be gotten from the two Gargoyle bosses of tier 4, Gargouille (dungeon only) and Carmen’s Gargoyle. Green Crystals are accessories dropped by Gazers, but they’re also purchasable in shops. Nightshade at Tier 5 can be gotten from shops, but if you manage to find a Carmen in the world (Tier 6 boss), she drops Nightshade as well. Silver is a very common material, and you should already have some by now. If not, dismantle some Fomorian gear. Experienced: The hardest thing on this list is probably the Green Crystals. You can refresh shops to get them, check your Junk pile if you have them, or even try fighting some things that have the Mimic drop pool, which has Green Crystals.* Everything else should be materials you have lying around. *Maybe. Probably. Don’t count on it, but if I’m right, you heard it here first. Quest 23: Catha - Defeat Balor Guardian (25), Reaper (3), Balor Worm (1) New: The biggest stretch of this quest is between defeating the mass quantity of Balor Guardians and finding the rare Reapers. It’s advised that you’re Tier 5 or Tier 6 for this quest, and not any higher - as Affinity Candles will come in handy. Both Balor Guardians and Reapers show up at night (past 8:00 PM on your device) so you’ll want to grind monsters in the world then. As for the Balor Worm, they are exclusive to gauntlets. Experienced: For the higher tiered player, we have Underworld Portals we can rely on. This will make it incredibly easy to get the Reapers and the Balor Worm, but the Guardians will still be a decent grind. Consider getting some mates and running through a few of these. Quest 24: Ceres - Acquire Bone (50), Wolf’s Blood (25) New: While grinding the world for those Balor Guardians and Reapers, you may have killed a few Odoks. These are a prime source of bones, and Fomorian gear can also give bones when dismantled. As for Wolf’s Blood, your only source is going to be Lord of Wolves, a tier 3 boss. To find many of these, it’s best to travel around the world or do boss gauntlets, but those can be costly at a low tier. If you happen to be playing during the Rise of Kerberos event, you can encounter Followers of Kerberos in Beast Dens (a themed dungeon), and those drop plenty of Wolf’s Blood. Experienced: This quest should be on the easier end - not many things need Wolf’s Blood, and Bones are plentiful, so you should already have these materials. If not, see New. Quest 25: Ceres - Acquire Darkstone (50) New: This should actually be a quick one. The Balor Guardians you defeated for a previous quest drop Darkstone, and their Balor Swords can be dismantled into it as well. On top of this, most “dark” things drop them - Ghosts, Demons, Dark Slimes, and Yokai, to name a few. Experienced: Hopefully you have 50 Darkstone by now, running those Underworld Portals should be a great source of it. Quest 26: Ceres - Defeat the Fallen Hero, Lover Lost New: Welcome to the next story boss! After completing the previous quest, you were given the Lover’s Lost accessory. To encounter the boss, you must have this equipped when traveling the world or traversing the dungeon. Just like with Fomorian Lords, he can be found at the last floor of a Tier 5, 6, or 7 gauntlet, but Tier 5 gauntlets are preferred. This is another boss that can be gotten via a friend with a Wayvessel, but doing gauntlets or traveling in the world should suffice. Experienced: Just like with the new player, you’ll want to equip the Lover’s Lost accessory you got from the previous quest. Wear it while going through Tier 5 normal dungeons for the quickest way to encounter it. Alternatively, a friend can help you out with a Wayvessel. Quest 27: Mara - Become stronger New: Congrats! Unlock yourself a Tier 5 class and hit level 125. Experienced: Congrats on finding yourself another difficult boss. There are more struggles ahead, but the next tier should be relatively easy. Tier 6 QuestsQuest 28: Gol - Build a Town Hall and Residence (5) New: The quests in this tier focus most on expanding your origin town. If you’re not near it often, it might take you much longer to get this quest done. A Town Hall is used to gather quests from your townsfolk, who live in Residences. Build 5 of them and use this opportunity to learn how Town Halls work. The Town Hall costs 10 million gold, so do sell some accessories or gear you aren’t using if you are short on gold. Each residence gets more expensive the more you build, and the max amount to have an effect is 20. You’ll need some wood and stone for these, and if you’re low, consult your shops. They sell both often. Experienced: You should already have this, hit continue. Quest 29: Gol - Build a Jeweler and a Herbalist New: Time to build interesting shops! A jeweler can sell adornments, which are small gems that can be put on weapons and armor to give them a small boost. A herbalist allows you to craft your own potions! It costs 5 million gold, but you’ll be able to make potions like Elixirs by putting together resources. More often than not, you’ll need empty bottles, which you should have gotten on your journey. Experienced: You should already have this, hit continue. Quest 30: Gol - Build a Citadel and Residence (10) New: A Citadel is a place where your townsfolk can give you gifts! The higher their morale is (see the Town Hall), the more often they’ll give you gifts. You’ll also want to build more residences - do note that this quest only needs you to build 5 additional residences, for a total of 10. Experienced: You should already have this, hit continue. Quest 31: Gol - Have Town Morale at 20% New: Time to raise your town’s morale! In order to do this, you’ll need to complete the various quests found in the town hall. Each quest should increase the town’s morale by a couple percentage points, and once you’re at 20%, you’ve completed the quest. Do know that the morale goes down over time, so to keep your townsfolk happy, you’ll need to keep doing quests occasionally. Experienced: You should already have this, hit continue. Quest 32: Mara - Become stronger New: This concludes the Origin Town section of quests! Feel free to get yourself a Tier 6 class and level up to 150. Experienced: You should already have this, hit continue. Tier 7 QuestsQuest 33: Samson - Defeat Arisen: Minotaur, Cerberus, Lord of Wolves, Lost Pharaoh New: Arisen monsters are stronger forms of monsters you’ve fought before. More often than not, these are bosses that are now encounterable as enemies. Arisen enemies have a bright pink glow around them. Do note that these are different from Berserk monsters - a Berserk monster is a stronger form of a normal monster, Arisen monsters can be considered entirely different monsters. Arisen Cerberus can only be found at night, and the Arisen Lord of Wolves can only be found in wooded areas. For this reason, it’s recommended to run dungeons, which ignore all time and location-based requirements. Specifically, a Beast Den themed dungeon has Arisen Minotaur, Arisen Cerberus and Arisen Lord of Wolves, you’d just need to find a Lost Pharaoh. Experienced: If you’re really insane, you can do a Valley of the Gods. However, if you find an Arisen Lost Pharaoh, you can just run a Beast Den or two, and you should get this quest quickly. Quest 34: Samson - Unlock a Tier 7 class New: You’re at the point in the game where your orn income is starting to pick up! Before going on, get yourself a Tier 7 class. The best methods of orn farming at this point in the game come from killing bosses on the road, or from constant dungeon runs. A Tier 7 boss dungeon will almost give you as many keys as it takes to enter. There are also pieces of gear that boost drops of gold, orns, and XP. Consider the Deathbringer, dropped from Ankou, to boost orns. Experienced: You should already have this, hit continue. Sidequest: Samson - Defeat Arisen: Minotaur (25), Cerberus (25), Lord of Wolves (25), Lost Pharaoh (25), Orc Lord (25), Camazotz (25) New: This sidequest is very tedious. It’s advised you don’t focus on this much, as it’s not necessary to complete the story. However, to find most of these, you’ll see benefits in running a Beast Den. Orc Lords can be found in Goblin Fortresses, and Lost Pharaohs, well, they’re just kinda out there. Experienced: Run a Valley of the Gods for this, if you’re so inclined to do this quest. Should come naturally if you regularly do Valley runs. Obviously, this assumes you’re Tier 10. Quest 35: Emile - Complete Codex for Enlightened - Guardian, Mage, Acolyte New: The Enlightened need to be studied! They can be found in dungeons, but also can be seen during the Moonlight weather (denoted by a moon in the top middle of the world screen, where you’d see a raindrop or a snowflake). These are very simple to codex - simply get all the moves they can use, and for the Mage and Guardian, get their drop. Experienced: If you need these codex entries, see the New tab. Quest 36: Emile - Acquire a Crystalis New: A Crystalis is actually a very useful weapon! For melee users, it’s a great source of debuff protection - it prevents many stat debuffs, which allow you to use things like buff skills from the Druid class with minimal drawbacks. They’re obtained by defeating an Enlightened Prince, who can also be found in dungeons. Chances are you might’ve found one by now. Experienced: Just like the new, run a Tier 7 boss gauntlet to quickly encounter an Enlightened Prince, and get its Crystalis. Remember to turn auto dismantle off. Quest 37: Emile - Acquire Rosa’s Brooch and Verrick’s Ring New: After finding the Crystalis, you canonically piss off the king and queen of the Enlightened. Your job is to defeat them, and get their accessories. Just like the other quest bosses, you can find these in the world, or at the last floor of Tier 7, 8, or 9 gauntlets. Make sure you keep a hold of them! A friend’s Wayvessel might also do you justice here. Experienced: Run some more dungeons! Fed up with dungeons? Oh, we’re barely getting started. Run some Tier 7 normal dungeons and get both encounters. Remember to have auto drop off, as you need a normal quality of both accessories. Quest 38: Emile - Become stronger New: Congrats for finding those two bosses! Use the scroll you got from the past quest to learn some skills that will help you defeat Arisen enemies. Then, when you’re ready, get to level 175. Experienced: Use that scroll you got from that quest, and head on to the next batch of quests. We’re getting there, I promise. Tier 8 QuestsQuest 39: Mara - Acquire Lightstone (12) New: Welcome to Tier 8! Here, the common enemies are the battling clans of the Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar. While the Ljosalfar have dominated the overworld, Dokkalfar can exclusively be found in dungeons and in moonlight (weather, not the time of day). Defeating any of these will give armor and weapons that dismantle into Lightstone. Simply killing a few will get you enough Lightstone to complete the quest. Experienced: Another easy continue! I hope you have this, otherwise, go and fight some Ljosalfar. Quest 40: Damra - Acquire Orichalcum (3), Witchstone (3), Lightstone (20), Pure Lightstone (1) New: Damra of the Dokkalfar wants you to gather some more materials! Orichalcum can be gotten from the two Orichalcum enemies, being the Golem and the Knight. As of 3.1, these are light green in color. As for Witchstone, it’s dropped by Carman and her dungeon equivalent, Carman of the Underworld. These are bosses you encountered in Tier 6, so you might have enough of the material. Lightstone, as we learned in the last quest, is dropped from Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar monsters. Pure Lightstone, however, drops from the lords of Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar - Tier 8 bosses you might be able to find in the world or dungeons, respectively. You should only need to kill one. Experienced: These are all materials you should have! If you’re missing one or more, see where to find them in the last quest. Witchstone is also dropped from Arisen Carman, if you can find them easier than the boss. Quest 41: Damra - Defeat Great Reaper (3) New: Just like finding the Reapers in Tier 5, this one might be particularly difficult to find - Great Reapers show up at night, but rarely, so world farming might only be a decent method - by Tier 8, you should be able to do dungeons regularly, and Tier 8 normal dungeons will do you best for this quest, as they have a much higher chance of appearing for you there. Experienced: Just like finding the Reapers in Tier 5, you’ll wanna consult your bestest friend in the world, Underworld Portals. Running one or two (horde mode) should be enough to finish the quest. Quest 42: Damra - Have Town Morale at 60%, Complete 10 NPC Quests New: Lastly, Damra wants you to do the best that you can. Do some more Town Hall quests and get your Morale up to 60%. As for “10 NPC quests”, this refers to the NPCs that show up in the world and have no connection to the main storyline. Complete 10 of their quests (multiple from the same NPC are counted separately) Experienced: Hopefully your Morale is at 60%, and you’ve at least done some NPC quests. If you’re lacking on either, consult the New area. Quest 43: Mara - Become stronger New: Congrats! Use the Steward Candle you got from that quest, it will make a Steward pet that should either appear in your bestiary or on your person. After that, it’s time to get ready for Tier 9! Level up to 200 and get a Tier 8 class. Experienced: Congrats! It’s time for the big guns. Use that Steward Candle and open up your Wayvessel. Tier 9 QuestsIn these quests, both sections will be about the same tier. As such, there’s now only one section, as most tips apply to both as is. Quest 44: Mara - Defeat Balor - Marauder (50), Warlock (50), Assassin (50) Welcome to your first extremely long quest of Tier 9! Once you hit Tier 9, you’ve gained the ability to see Underworld Portal themed dungeons - which house plenty of Balor monsters. This will be your best bet for getting these easily. Another option is farming in the world during the day. Use an Affinity Candle, Seeker Candle, and an Occult Candle to increase the spawn of Balor mobs. At night, Assassins won’t show up, so it’s important to farm during the day. Though, at this point, you should get yourself accustomed to party play with the community - some people have Underworld Portals at their Wayvessels, and they share them for other people to run in parties. In other cases, fighting Balor Assassins and Skolls as a party in the world (attack the same monster) can also give some extra Assassins. The easiest place to find these parties is on the Discord, and if you aren't there, then I dunno how you got a hold of this. Quest 45: Myrkheim - Masterforge Gear Masterforging your gear can be done at a nearby Alchemist, or even at your own Fortress if you’ve managed to upgrade your Keep far enough. Keep in mind the heftiest part of the cost is in materials, which increases the better quality it is. If you’re looking for a cheap masterforge, use Broken or Poor gear. Quest 46: Mara - Defeat Balor King (25) Welcome to your second extremely long quest of Tier 9! For this quest, Balor Kings are bosses, so running party Tier 9 boss gauntlets is your best bet, as they show up frequently. It’s also not a bad idea to consult Underworld Portals again, but dungeons in general are typically going to be the quickest way of getting these. Quest 47: Anthony - The Giant Long Fetch Quest Of Insanity Welcome to your third extremely long quest of Tier 9! There’s loads to get. So much in fact, that I’ll be breaking this apart into a bulleted list. If you’d like to see the entire list, here’s a picture. It might help to have this open while reading the following list.
The best way to group these up would most likely be:
Quest 48: Mara - Defeat the Balor Knight, Sirus Finally, something less grindy! Another story boss. This one can be found at the end of Underworld Portals or at the end of Tier 9 dungeons. Remember, they can only be found at the last floor, so running boss or normal doesn’t affect the outcome. You can choose to conserve your keys or dual purpose this with a boss run. He can also be found out and about in the world, though it’s inefficient and unlikely. Quest 49: Mara - Defeat Fallen Gods (Demeter, Vulcan, Thor, Ithra) As each god fell, each uttered the name of Mammon. Time to put them out of their misery! Running Tier 9 boss gauntlets should be the fastest way of getting these, and should only take a couple runs. Remember that each is immune to their faction element. The reward is the Band of Gods, an amazing accessory that increases your EXP, Orn, and Gold rates by 50%. Once the quest is finished, any completed gauntlet has a chance to drop another Band of Gods, though it’s very uncommon. Running Hard dungeons guarantees that it will have a quality (improving its boost rates), at the cost of extra keys. Quest 50: Samson - Defeat Mammon Time to finish off who started the falling! Find Mammon and give him a good ol’ beatdown. Those who have played before might consult the overworld to find Mammon, which is reasonable. However, Mammon can now appear at the end of Tier 9 gauntlets, much like every other quest boss. The same is true for him - only at the last floor, so being boss or normal doesn’t affect it. Quest 51: Samson - Become stronger Congrats! You completed arguably the hardest tier of story quests. Only a couple left until the end of the storyline. At this point, it’s time to level up to 225, and purchase a Tier 9 class. Consider raiding for a good portion of your experience, or farming bosses in the world. At this point, getting EXP becomes harder than maintaining your income of orns. World Boss farming never particularly becomes a bad option, so any chance to do it should be seen as good. Remember to equip some Cursed Monster Tomes for extra EXP! Tier 10 QuestsQuest 52 - Myrkheim - Demonforge Gear Welcome to Tier 10! Demonforging gear is even more expensive than masterforging, but the idea is the same - locate a nearby Demonforge or use your own Castle’s Demonforge if you’ve managed to upgrade your Fortress. Just like masterforging, if you’re looking for a cheaper option, consider demonforging a low-quality masterforged item. Maybe it’s the item you masterforged in the earlier quest? Quest 53 - Defeat the Arisen Queen, Medea It’s time to finish the journey of the Unfelled. Medea, the Arisen Queen can be found at the end of Mystic Cave dungeons. Do keep in mind, her health bar is the largest of any mob or boss, coming in at around 300,000 (higher than the lowest HP raid boss!) It’s a good idea to use a Questing License before killing Medea, as the quest reward of 5 million orns will be increased by 50% (leading to a bonus of 2.5 million orns for just using an item)! Once defeated, you get the Unfelled Concord - an accessory that decreases the cooldown of dungeons by about 50% when worn in the world build. Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the Unfelled Storyline. Any of the rewards from the story quests can be rewards for completing a dungeon, So if you want duplicates of something, run lots more dungeons! You never really stop dungeon-ing. Thank You!This guide was made by Konq, and finished on April 15th, 2022. Huge thanks to many people in the Orna community for being so helpful and welcoming of others. Through the generosity of the people around us, Orna’s community is very helpful, and that should be recognized.
Huge props to the team over at Northern Forge for creating a wonderfully made storyline. The lore of Orna isn’t all-too-invasive, and it’s beautiful how open-form the game is.
1 Comment
30/11/2023 10:23:45
Regarding Quest 53 - Defeat the Arisen Queen, Medea. I found her at the end of my castle's dungeon in horde mode. I activated the Questing License after I had slain her. Just before I turned in the quest. Which still doubled the reward.
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AuthorShabbash has been playing Orna since the summer of 2019, reaching max level 250 a year later, and has a vast plethora of experience within the game. After completing and surviving the grind, Shabbash now turns his attention to creating the best guide resources for players to improve their enjoyment of what Orna has to offer. Categories
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