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For quick build loadouts from this guide please go here(not released yet), otherwise please continue on to read the full guide below! YouTube video at the bottom of the guide also. The first opportunity to strip naked for high attack in Orna obviously starts when we can unlock the Swash spec at tier 7 (lvl 150). Typically it’s rare for all players to have the heavy 2 Mil orn cost to purchase their tier 7 class directly on reaching level 150. However the 50K orns cost for tier 7 specs is an easier pill to swallow and in the case for this guide, provides a great introduction to the world of Swash with the Blademaster class (the main melee option at tier 6). Going Swash first gives us time to get accustomed to the Swash life and be prepared - it’s the ultimate glass cannon playstyle and likely very different to how you’ve played Orna up until this point. As usual when entering a new tier in the game we’ve got a number of fairly brutal mobs to deal with at tier 7 that can be especially tough to deal with while being a class tier down. The tier 7 Majistrate class gains over 1000 HP which will make most difficult Blademaster encounters much easier to deal with, however we gotta start somewhere. Nevertheless, Blademaster Swash is fun, fast and as long as you’re prepared to die regularly and lose a few dungeons here and there, it’s definitely an awesome and viable entry into tier 7 and more importantly for your overall Orna career, it’s a great first step into the wonderful world of Swash. As always, we’ve got heaps of experienced Swash players on hand to help out in the Orna Legends discord server, welcome to everyone - you’ll also want to join the dedicated Swash server set up by Swash legend Lenneth Valkyrie called The Arisen Swashbuckler. A must-visit for all aspiring Swashies. Strengths and Weaknesses Swash does some things in Orna extremely well and other content extremely badly, at least without significant investment. Blademaster perhaps exaggerates its weaknesses as it’s a class tier down, but still performs incredibly well in its strengths relative to other options at this tier. My ratings for this build:
Main Strengths
Main Weaknesses
Blademaster Class Breakdown and Road to Majistrate Passive Abilities ![]() Second Chance - Great passive, will net you plenty of extra battle wins ![]() Crest of Avalon - Fairly easy to charge passive, plenty of arisen mobs in normal gauntlets or using a chaos scroll for zerk spawning. Skills Every skill learned from Blademaster can come in useful during your Swash career. Stats As mentioned earlier when you finally upgrade to Majistrate (your real tier 7 class) you’ll gain over 1000 HP and over 50 base Attack. The extra HP makes a real survivability difference in raids and gauntlets, not to mention Steadfast Passive which also increases overall survivability. Preferred Weapons Daggers, Swords and Curved Swords - Swash spec also has curved swords - Remember the Swash bonus will magnify the preferred weapon bonus greater than other specs, so try and use a preferred weapon when you can. GearThe fun can begin - We have a great wee starter pack intro into Swash itemisation at this tier, where the “best gear” is always in flux and situational to each individual. At this tier we don’t have as many gearing options as higher tiers obviously but most importantly we can start wrecking stuff with a decent weapon. If you haven’t watched my video on how the Swash bonus works I’d recommend revisiting that video to understand exactly why we’re about to strip naked... Link HERE. Weapon - No.1 Priority We basically want as high an attack weapon as possible here. Use whatever your highest attack weapon is at this point and begin hunting for the below. We want at least legendary quality of these weapons ASAP. I’d suggest levelling one to lvl 6 in the blacksmith, taking about 1 day, then level another one as backup. If you find a good ornate then level that all the way to 10 immediately, it can keep you wrecking stuff deep into tier 9. ![]() Axe/Bow of Tiamat/Typhon - The dragon element helps a lot for clearing tier 7 dungeons. Typhon only appearing in dungeons makes its stats slightly better. Watch out for Dragon Knights in PvP who resist dragon element though. ![]() Pale Sword / Shadow Katana - Balor Elite - Great PvP and all round weapons, can remove any elements for PvP. These weapons have great longevity, high attack and for the katana you will always have preferred weapon bonus with swash as it;s a curved sword. I still use a Shadow Katan on my lvl 215 Nyx Swash, now demonforged and haven’t found a god weapon as an upgrade yet… ![]() Deathbringer - Ankou - If only it didn’t have innate dark element… The additional exp gain still makes this a great farming weapon if you manage to pick up a legendary or ornate. You’ll quickly find out which mobs are immune to dark and have your elemental skill option on hand as first choice. You will need another weapon for Balor Elite though. Will be replaced by Venin at t9 for exp gain. ![]() Arisen Balor Dagger - Arisen Cerberus - Harder to find than boss weapons due to arisen mob drop rates and the innate fire element cannot be removed, although it does have decent attack - good shout for Knights of Inferno players if you find a decent one. ![]() High Fomorian Sword - High Fomorians - Cheap and cheerful, plentiful especially is you world farm mobs. Great weapon as a backup to have until you find a better boss weapon and while upgrading other weapons. You can watch the detailed video guide here (when released) where I go through all available tier 7 weapons and what makes them worth upgrading or not. From tier 6 the most relevant weapons that hold up strongly are Titan weapons and the Basilisk Tooth. Off-Hand ![]() Blight / Arcane Arrows - Drops from PvP and gives us Volley 2 off-hand skill, currently one of the most dominating skills in the game. Our main spammable skill of choice for a long time. Higher quality the better. ![]() Mirror - Drops from PvP - For Osmostrike raiding. Higher quality the better. Armour - Less is More Remember how Swash bonus works, we want to try and keep our net defense stat gain from gear as close to sub-zero as possible. At this stage we're not going to be worried about levelling too much armour gear. The main reason we level armour for Swash is to gain adornment slots and higher Attack stat if present. Head ![]() Aldon’s Hat - Stun immunity is awesome. Complete Aldon’s “For the Love of Commerce” quest by giving him 5 silver to get his hat. Now you can begin collecting broken and elemental versions from dungeon completions. Broken elemental is best, but will take many many dungeons and time, the defense stat is so low anyway we can honestly use higher quality elementals without issue. Chest ![]() Dark Garb - Reapers - For that extra 5% orns from killing mobs, broken quality is best but use lowest quality you have. ![]() Elemental Low Tier Chests - Can be anything with low defense and an element, mainly for PvP and raiding. Random Origin - Can be found as quest completion, in end of dungeon rewards, fishing and in Bazaars. Giving 8 adornment slots at Masterforge, keep an eye out for these from now on, especially elementals - tier 3 versions are best. Naked - Works just great. Leg Barefoot - Works just great. ![]() Elemental Low Tier - As chest above. Random Origin - As chest above however boots has higher priority for later. There are better options for chest slot later whereas boots we can use these in many situations. ![]() Fey Dragon - World Raid Boss - Dragon resistance and 2% pet action rate can be great especially when paired up with a few Bestial Eyes in our weapon. Broken is best. ![]() Titan Lunar Gear You may have heard that Tian Thief gear is good for Swash which is completely true, but not so much at this stage. The armour comes with high attack but also high defense, which we’re not really going to be able to mitigate enough at this time to reach high Swash bonus. At tier 8 we can start picking up Crimson Pinions etc. However definitely keep tapping the Titan raid in your kingdom! We’re specifically looking for the Thief “Lunar” armour set at least legendary and ideally ornate quality. In general if Swash is wearing armour for its Attack stat we want ornate quality, otherwise we aim for broken. ![]() Sala’s Gear Completing Sala’s quests gives us a couple pieces of gear in head and chest slot with some attack on it. The defense is not super high but still there. Once you can lower your defense more with Cursed Rings for example you may want to chuck these on to see if your attack increases, I’d probably prefer Aldon’s in head slot for stun immunity. Accessories ![]() Cursed Rings- Fafnir tier 8 - As we can see bosses in the world of 1 tier higher than us, travelling around if you can and killing Fafnirs is a really solid idea now, made easier if you have Tiamat/Typhon weapon, should be 1-shot. The cursed ring at standard quality gives us 50 Attack and drops Defense by -100 which as you can guess is brilliant for maxing Swash bonus. You can also try and summon Fafnir with Monster Remains, we can still summon bosses 1 tier above us until tier 9! ![]() Adamantine Amulet - 60 Attack and easily available in shops. Tier 6 item so use these initially, higher qualities can occasionally be found randomly. Remember for world farming going for max attack accessories in order to 1-shot everything will give us quicker progression/exp/orn income than using exp tomes - at least up until the point you can now 1-shot with tomes on. Be proactive and switch when appropriate! Status Immunity Ring of Annwn - Fallen Ra, dungeons - Basic elemental status immunity (Freeze, Burn, Rot, Paralysed) Ankou’s Ring - Ankou - Sleep and curse immunity Blight Pendant - PvP - Blight immunity, can be good for Balor Elite Steady Pendant - If you decide you don't like Aldon's Hat anymore Picking one of each of these up will be vital for PvP, raids and content in general, especially useful on classes without Steadfast. Quality does not affect the immunity functionality in any way. The best thing is we can adapt to our own personal playstyles very easily with Swash. If you run Warhorse maybe you can drop Ring of Annwn for an extra Cursed Ring etc. find your preference! Weapon Adornments +Attack Jewels - I don’t think you should ever worry about sticking random +Attack jewels in your weapon, you’ll always find better can destroy from your weapon for free if you want to replace. More attack always good. Bestial Eyes - Behemoth boss - Regardless of quality gives us +1% pet action rate, one of my favourite jewels right now, packing a few of these will give something like Twilight Wisp another dimension to our gameplay. The negative defense also helps. Works great with Volley 2 skill as it does lower your mana. Assassin Jewels - Always useful for attack builds, especially for longer raiding. Tiamat/Typhon weapons are expensive to adorn for some reason so bear that in mind. Mixing adorns is a good way to get a piece of everything which I really quite like in the mid game. For example going 50/50 on bestial eyes and assassin jewels. ![]() Armour Adornments +HP - generally the only useful adorn up to this tier as we don’t want to increase our defense. HP can be great for deeper raiding. Keep an eye out for event jewels as well. SkillsUnlocking the power of Swash. I will provide loadout options for each content that allows for either Majestic or Dragoon as your previous tier 5 class, however there's only one or two changes. If you haven’t already I would definitely buy Druid class now for Bear’s Might, giving us 50% attack multi in battle and we don’t care about the lowered defense anyway. Remember our main damaging is skill is going to be Volley II, from our off-hand. Loadouts are fairly similar for all content, although below for World farming is definitely overkill. World Volley II for killing most things. Dragonstrike/Blightstrike for resist/immune enemies. Sleep/Stun dart for (zerk) bosses as well as Bear's Might for extra oomph if required. Gauntlet Buff turn 1 with Bear's Might and then Warcry or attack tonic, that's us ready to roll! Volley II for killing most things. Dragonstrike/Blightstrike for resist/immune enemies. PvP If spamming Arena farm then Volley II should win most fights in 1 or 2 hits. Double Edge is there as a Physical element option if you have Dragon weapons vs Dragon Knight for example. Your faction strike II skill can also be used. Bear's Might there if you come across high HP enemies. Sleep/Stun dart for Grand Mystics - can be removed on war defense unless Saboteur . Swordplay or Dragon's Vengeance - Nuke skills for maximum damage, DV II better as higher piercing. Raids Biggest change you can make here is slotting in Omnistrike to proc all the debuffs on the Raid boss, however it can often take longer than just casting the skills yourself. Bear's Might and Warcry or Attack Tonics for buffing our Attack. Osmo as main damaging skill and a nuke skill for when we are at full HP and can afford to nuke. Base skills will be exactly the same as Majestic path. Only advised changes are to add in Dragon's Vengeance II as a nuke skill - as long as you are playing regularly enough and killing plenty of dragons to keep it charged! We can also swap in Blightstrike for Dragonstrike as our main elemental skill, it's slightly more damage but higher mana cost the choice is yours. PetsTwilight Wisp - Fantastic all rounder in all content. We’ll appreciate its healing and healthy damage that can finish off enemies. Great with some +% action rate. Greater Yokai - PvP specialist Warhorse - If you ever last long enough in raids for it to proc double defense down you can enjoy some consistent heavy damage numbers. GameplayFinally, the good stuff. We’ve stripped most of our clothes off now it’s time to put that to good use and slay some foul demons and beasts with simple and yet devastating style. For PvE content we want to ensure our Crest of Avalon is fully charged, using an affinity candle or ring of sacrifice should get you this fully charged within 10 mins, a normal gauntlet usually helps as well. My strategies are based around Volley 2 as it’s just too good to not use. If you went Dragoon and play enough to keep Dragon’s Vengeance II charged up, definitely include in your loadouts as a huge nuke against high HP bosses, zerks and tier 7 class opponents in Arena. Gameplay Video (not released yet) World Farm Volley 2 should be all you need. Not having to mana pot every few kills is incredible for overall farming speed. Most bosses should be 2-shots unless you see zerks or Hydra. If you can travel as a passenger and grab shrines you should smash out some exp and orns in super quick time. ![]() Gauntlets I’d suggest focusing on boss gauntlets until you get a decent dragon boss weapon. Prepare to lose a lot of these however keep at it, dungeons are much more accessible these days via Wayvessels and you’ll still get a couple keys back every time. Normal gauntlets are generally safer as we can 1-shot everything, however zerk Arisen mobs still have the capability to survive and return the 1-shot favour on our head. Skill Order:
PvPIn Arena we can focus more on speed than in wars, however war fights shouldn’t be too much different, just take your time we don’t need a different skill loadout for wars. In Arena we will come across a mix of tier 6 and tier 7 classes. Tier 6 classes should be a cake walk with Volley 2. Tier 7 classes will have higher HP and although Volley 2 will still be viable, you may need to Bear’s Might first. Osmostrike I / II if you take a hit. You can take sleep/stun dart in loadout but we generally want to finish the fight before even reading our opponent’s name so for most fights not required. ![]() Note that Arena farming is solid for orn income at this tier, giving approximately 800 orns a win. RaidsOh dear. This is going to be painful. At the very least make sure you tag Balor Elite and Titan whenever they’re up in your kingdom. As discussed previously Blademaster falls off hard here, until we get Majistrate for Steadfast and extra HP where the Osmo strategy outlined below will work better. ![]() Balor Elite We want fire res on gear so ideally you have a low defense pair of boots or chest with fire res, worst case use a flame belt accessory (drops from mimics and Scorcher). Also want a mirror for this Osmo strategy, we can’t spam Volley II as we’ll last even fewer rounds. Twilight Wisp initially for extra support. Warhorse will give more dmg but best to wait until Majistrate. Skill Order:
![]() Titan Same as above but swap fire res for earth res on gear EndThe vast majority of this detailed write up will transfer well as Majistrate class, certainly gear is same, really the true class at this tier. Swash excels at world and arena farm, use that to your advantage in getting a fast farming set-up going to unlock Majistrate and move into Balor Elite raiding ASAP. ![]() Link to Majistrate guides/loadouts when ready. Be sure to check out gameplay videos to get a better visual idea of how the above strategies can work, compare your stats to mine as a benchmark (don't worry I will certainly not be using decked out twinked full ornate weapons and Lunar gear!). Please join us in the discord servers for swash chat. I hope this guide was useful and you manage to take something useful away with you, thanks for reading! -Shabbash
1 Comment
Jesse Carter
8/11/2021 09:37:21
Hey there! So I've been watching your videos on this topic,and reading the guide you posted in the YouTube video below, but my question is about upgrading armor. Do I ever need to worry about upgrading broken pieces? How far do you upgrade? Or do you just leave broken pieces alone period? Better question, I guess is, do you ever upgrade armor and if so under what conditions, and how far?
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AuthorShabbash has been playing Orna since the summer of 2019, reaching max level 250 a year later, and has a vast plethora of experience within the game. After completing and surviving the grind, Shabbash now turns his attention to creating the best guide resources for players to improve their enjoyment of what Orna has to offer. Categories
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